

气候 行动

大都会不仅仅是 适应气候变化 随着它的到来,我们正在采取重要措施防止它恶化. We’ve joined state and local leaders to help minimize the effects of climate change by committing to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

大都会采用了 气候行动计划 in May 2022 to set a path to achieve the state's target goal of reducing GHG emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels and reach carbon neutrality by 2045.

的 气候行动计划 identifies actions to reduce Metropolitan’s carbon foot打印 in the face of climate change, increasing the district’s climate resiliency and energy independence while supporting California’s GHG reduction goals.

大都会致力于就其气候行动倡议提供年度进展报告. 大都会的首份2022年CAP进展报告突出了大都会的成就, 以及2021年温室气体清单.



气候行动计划 包括大都会历史和当前温室气体排放的清单, 以及对未来预计排放量的全面预测. 的 data is used to identify feasible GHG reduction targets and measures to help Metropolitan achieve its goal. 这份长期规划文件指导大都会的政策和运营规划决策, 水资源, 资本投资, 保护和资源项目.  的 plan also allows Metropolitan to streamline the environmental review process and mitigate GHG impacts for future capital projects under the California Environmental Quality Act.


  • 整合立法和指导,从州,联邦和国际来源
  • 通过提高能源效率为大都会省了钱
  • 提供提高操作弹性和改善空气质量的双重好处


移动水需要很多能量. That energy is used to transport water from our imported water sources located hundreds of miles away and to treat and distribute water throughout our service area.  Metropolitan’s GHG emissions fluctuate from year to year depending on the amount of water pumped from the 科罗拉多河. 因为每年的泵送作业都因需求和可用性而异, emissions in one year may not be representative of Metropolitan’s overall progress toward meeting its GHG emissions reduction targets. 为了解释这一点,大都会利用碳预算跟踪其排放量.


以达到大都会的碳中和目标, 我们制定了温室气体排放预算, 以公吨二氧化碳当量(MT CO2e)为单位. This metric measures the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases that are being released into the atmosphere and contribute to climate change.  因为大都会在运营过程中会排放温室气体, 这些排放耗尽了碳预算. 2021年,我们的碳预算是900万吨二氧化碳当量,但我们排放了大约500万吨.300万吨二氧化碳当量,表明我们遏制排放的努力正在取得成效.



最近几年的干旱严重影响了从州水利工程向大都会供水, 将水从北加州输送给全州的承包商, 包括城市. 以弥补SWP供应的损失, 大都会从其储存的储备中撤出,并增加了从科罗拉多河系统的输送.

通过实施《188bet棋牌平台》中确定的一些温室气体减排措施, Metropolitan significantly lowered emissions in comparison to previous years with similar pumping conditions and stayed well below its carbon budget overall. Some of the ways Metropolitan was able to do this included purchasing lower-carbon and carbon-free electricity, when available; developing 无碳能源 generation; improving energy efficiency; continuing water conservation efforts; and developing local water supplies.




大都会与CAPDash合作TM, 是一个网上工具,让市民了解我们在减少温室气体排放目标方面的进展. 数据是根据大都会采用的各种策略分类的, 从运营燃料使用到员工通勤, 并在交互式图表和图形中可视化,以促进更大的透明度.

参观大都会CAPDashTM 门户网站


我们的气候行动计划帮助我们实现碳中和的目标, 但我们已经在这条路上走了几十年. 我们的环保意识始于1928年成立, when our planners and engineers designed the 科罗拉多河 Aqueduct to deliver water primarily by gravity across 242 miles of California desert to the state’s south coastal plain. 这些规划者认识到需要可靠的电力供应, 投资建设胡佛水坝和帕克水坝, 它们共同提供了今天所需的一半以上的能源,为CRA泵提供清洁能源, 无碳能源.

That same forward-thinking ingenuity imbues Metropolitan’s continued investments in clean energy and energy-efficient design to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.



访问这个网站有机会加入对话. Metropolitan plans to connect with the community during the 气候行动计划 process to share information and insights with interested individuals and organizations.

